Pip’s Rehabilitation

Written by Christina Krueger, a Hoof Care Practitioner based out of Manchester Center, VermontI met Pip, an older Thoroughbred mare, in the fall of 2020. Her owner called me originally concerned about her gelding....

This Week’s Winner

Congratulations, Vanina! You won the photo contest this week! Pictured here is Vanina's horse, Booster, sporting his Easyboot Clouds. He also has a pair of the Stratus therapy boots. He's all set up with boots for...

The Dynamic Hoof

As the seasons change, so do horses’ hooves. Many people view horses’ hooves as static objects that do not change significantly once the horse has reached maturity. In actuality, the hoof is incredibly dynamic...

Easyboot Rx – Product Spotlight

The Easyboot Rx became EasyCare’s first therapeutic boot option when it was released in 2009. It still holds up to the test of time. It is a great boot option for protection during traveling,...

Q & A – My horse’s hoof measurements don’t fit into the size chart.

Customer Question: My vet has recommended the Easyboot Cloud for my laminitic pony who is really struggling right now. Unfortunately she doesn't seem to fit into the size chart. She was just trimmed 5 days...

Easyboot Mini – Product Spotlight

This week we wanted to feature the Easyboot Mini. This hoof boot made its debut in 2016. The Easyboot Mini is the ultimate option for tiny hooves. Product HighlightsThis boot is ideal to use on...

Using the Easyboot Sneaker on a Laminitic Donkey

Written by Ross Keller, of Keller Equine Services in Parker, ColoradoEthel has been in my practice for eight years, and during that time I have been managing her chronic laminitic founder.Until the advent of...

Q & A – Regular vs. Narrow Sneaker Patterns

Customer Question: I placed an order for new Easyboot Sneakers yesterday. Is there a difference in the Sneaker for the front and rear hooves? I just noticed on my order confirmation email that it says...

Easyboot Trail Original – Product Spotlight

This week we wanted to feature the Easyboot Trail Original. This hoof boot made its debut in 2011. The Easyboot Trail Original is a simple, casual boot that is a great choice for first-time...

Q & A – Fury Sling or Fury Heart?

Customer Question:I am interested in your Fury boots. I have ordered a Fit Kit, and if that goes well I'm wondering if you had a recommendation for which Fury model would work better for...