EasyCare Holiday Gift Guide

The holidays are right around the corner! Looking for the perfect gift for your barn friend, trainer, or farrier? Here are some practical gift ideas that are perfect for the equestrians in your life. Stocking...

Compare & Contrast EasyShoe Tab Options

Here at EasyCare, we strive to provide a wide variety of hoof care options to meet the needs of many horses. We offer several composite horseshoes that can be nailed, glued, or both. When...

“EasyCare products have allowed me to enjoy my sport with confidence and comfort.”

Have you ever considered trying EasyCare's Ultimate Ultra Stirrups? EasyCare customer, Laura, shares about her experiences with them below. Thanks for sharing with us, Laura!I’m a long distance rider. Endurance is my sport. I...

Applying Quick Studs to Easyboots and EasyShoes

Written by Dan Schroeder, EasyCare's Hoof Care Practitioner & Veterinarian Dealer Representative Winter is coming! Any Game of Thrones fans here?In all seriousness, winter is here for many of us in the Northern Hemisphere, which...

E-Z Ride Ultimate Ultra Stirrups

These stirrups are made of aluminum and have a removable EVA foam pad. The pad is designed with gripping nobs to help absorb concussion and help grip your boot to the stirrup in a...

How to Add Ice Studs to Your Easyboot

For many of us in the northern hemisphere, winter is here. Since ice and snow can't be easily avoided, let’s talk about how best to give your horse protection, comfort, and traction.EasyCare offers two...

Convenience is Behind the Design of the New E-Z Ride Stirrup

The E-Z Ride Stirrup, EasyCare's popular nylon stirrup, has been improved with a sleek, new design that makes it easier to use and maintain.You'll notice right away that there are no rivets or screws....

EasyCare Goes Cavalry at the Old Dominion

Submitted by Karen Neuenschwander, Team Easyboot 2016 MemberThe Old Dominion 100 is a bucket list ride for many. Rocks, big climbs, heat, humidity, and more rocks make “the Beast of the East” a fitting...

Get a Leg Up with EasyCare’s Ultimate Stirrups

We spend a lot of time making sure our horses are as comfortable as they can be. Most of us know that providing well fitted hoof wear goes beyond just protecting the feet. The...

E-Z Ride Ultimate Stirrups: The Last Pair of Stirrups You Will Ever Buy

I'm one of those people who likes to stick with what works once I've found something I like. It's one of the reasons I resisted pulling steel shoes and going to hoof boots in...