Small Boots, Wide Heels

I started working with Leslie in November. We had some challenges trying to fit her petite 14hh mare, May, into an Easyboot Glove.It seems that even though she was petite, she had wide heels. Leslie...

Are You A Trail Rider? You Need to Know This

We've Built the World's Easiest Hoof Boot We're announcing today the upcoming date of April 25, 2011 for the launch of a new hoof boot called the Easyboot Trail. We design our boots with an intricate...

Frances’ Perfect Boot Would Be…

I would love to see a boot that:Comes in 3 different shapes - oval, round and "heart" (wide at the heel for clydie x's and some warmbloods). Has an aggressive tread. Is high...

Fifi’s Easyboot Clouds

We wanted to share a success story that our customer, Janice, shared with us recently. She has had a great experience using the Easyboot Cloud.  The Easyboot Clouds have been brilliant for Fifi! This...

If It’s Broke, You Can Fix It

Bad news: Your Easyboots have been damaged. Good news: All is not lost. EasyCare does not offer a repair service, but you are not out of luck. You have some options.If you purchased your Easyboots less...

Complacency (And Why You Shouldn’t Have It)

Submitted by Carla Richardson, Team Easyboot 2012 MemberComplacency. Defined as "self satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies." Hmm.  Well ok, I'm guilty.Some of you probably know that my horse...

10 Things You Should Know About the Easyboot Cloud

Do you have a horse that could use some comfort and support due to thin soles, abscesses, founder, or laminitic stages? We have a boot for that. How about if you need a boot...

Giving My Horse the (EasyCare) Boot

The following are excerpts from an article by Laurie Knuutila of Fairbanks, Alaska, that she wrote for her competitive trail riding newsletter.In the past issue of this newsletter, I promised to report on my...

Upcoming Release: The Easyboot Flip Flop

The first EasyCare product of many to be released in 2016 holds promise for a variety of individuals and their horses within the hoof care world. Garrett Ford, EasyCare’s President, CEO, and Product Creator,...

Then and Now

This last year has been a huge year for me in natural horse care and natural hoof trimming. While I have trimmed my horses for the past several years, I haven't had to deal...