We’re announcing today the upcoming date of April 25, 2011 for the launch of a new hoof boot called the Easyboot Trail.
We design our boots with an intricate appreciation of what our customers need and want and so we’ve invested time and resources over the last 12 months to better understand what each of our market segments is looking for today. Our ongoing customer surveys and field testing with various styles of boot have led us to the launch of this new product.
This boot design will appeal to the broadest segment of our customer base: those who enjoy the open trail and backcountry riding.
Information we’ve gathered has helped us design elements that are a priority for current and future boot users. I’ve summarized some interesting statistics below.
Characteristics of the Perfect Horse Hoof Boot
91% of respondents: easy to apply.
87% of respondents: excellent fit.
64% of respondents: an aggressive entry-level price point.
75% of respondents: stays on in challenging conditions.
60% of respondents: ability to accommodate diverse hoof shapes and various trim cycles.
This boot will help satisfy customers whose needs are not currently addressed with our current model line-up. One of the most resonant messages we have received from trail riders is their need for a boot that can be applied by young and old hands alike. We approached this new boot design with that as our first priority.
We will be revealing various elements of the boot design and characteristics as part of a month-long countdown to the product launch date. Whether you and your horse ride the trail once a day or once a month, the dependability of this boot will make the move to boots even an more compelling option. It will also be sold at entry level pricing and adaptable to a broad range of hoof shapes and angles.
To watch the countdown in progress, go to http://easyboottrail.com and check back next week for another update.
Kevin Myers
Director of Marketing
I am responsible for the marketing and branding of the EasyCare product line. I believe there is a great deal to be gained from the strategy of using booted protection for horses, no matter what the job you have for your horse.