How Can Frog Support Benefit Your Horse?

Many of our EasyShoes have frog support. How does frog support benefit your horse? With each footfall, the horse’s frog will come in contact with the flexible urethane, stimulating blood flow and increasing circulation....

Functions Part II: The Hoof is a Roller Blade and a Nike

In my last blog, Functions Part I: The Hoof's Memory Foam, I discussed the digital cushion. In this blog, I'll build on that and look at the functions of traction and braking.Most of the horse’s...

Hoof Care Solution for Seniors

Written by EasyCare Customer, Beth L.EasyCare's glue-on shoes are a fantastic option for senior horses as they can be applied while the horse stands on all four feet.Cimmaron (Cim) is a 31 year old...

How To Reduce Collisional Force

I’ve always thought it would be cool to be a runner. We would have cross-country runs once a month when I was a kid and I thought it rather exotic for the entire phys...

The Hoof Buffy – Product Spotlight

This week we wanted to feature the Hoof Buffy. This handy little tool comes up in a lot of posts here any time we're going over prepping the hoof for a glue-on product. While...

Gluing In The Cold

If you live in the US or northern Europe, winter temperatures are often frigid or even brutal cold with the exception of a few areas. Many videos and blogs have been published about proper...

How To Develop A Healthy Foot: Circulation Is It

In previous blogs I've written about my basic hoof guidelines:3-8 degree palmar P3 angle: the angle of the bottom of the coffin bone in relation to the ground. 50/50 base of support from...

Hoofcare Abroad, Part II

Onward we travel to Zurich, Switzerland. This would be my fifth hoof care clinic in this beautiful country of the world within the last three years.Crossing the border close to St. Gallen at Lake...

SOS August 2016: All You Need to Know About the New Comfort Pads

Let's cut to the chase. You all know Comfort Pads in hoof boots yield big results. Utilizing Comfort Pads in boots provides relief from hoof maladies and encourages correct movement. This small addition can make a...

Shoeing The Hoof Or Shoeing The Horse?

By Christoph Schork of Global Endurance Training CenterHorses hooves do have "big shoes to fill," pun intended. Not so much because of previous great shoeing experiences but more so because of their responsibility to...