This week we wanted to feature the Hoof Buffy. This handy little tool comes up in a lot of posts here any time we’re going over prepping the hoof for a glue-on product. While it’s not strictly necessary in order to successfully apply glue-on boots or shoes, it can make the process easier, faster, and yield more consistent results.
Product Highlights
The Hoof Buffy is essentially an attachment for your electric drill with an inflatable rubber bladder. You can use a simple bicycle air pump to fill up the bladder (if yours has a gauge, 20 PSI is the optimum air pressure), and then apply a Hoof Buffy Sleeve over the top of it.
Once the Sleeve is secure, it becomes a cylinder covered in sand paper that you can use to rough-up the hoof before applying glue to it, and then to smooth the boot/shoe and excess glue at the end of the gluing process to achieve that finished, polished look.
The Hoof Buffy Sleeves are available in 10-packs of 60, 80, and 100 grit. 60 grit is the most rough, making it great for prep. 100 grit is much more fine, making it an excellent choice for polishing your work at the end of the gluing process.
Check out this post on how to easily replace the Hoof Buffy Sleeve once it wears out.
Also, check out this post with quick, simple instructions on prepping the hoof and applying an EasyShoe if you’re new to gluing hoof protection on your horse.