Khopy Cat

Creating a barefoot transitioning program for myself first began by begging, borrowing and stealing information from those who have been there, done that, finding things that sound good and looking for other things to...

Fit the Boot to the Hoof

I often hear people suggesting hoof boots based upon the boot that works for their horse, however what worked for their horse might not work for another horse. Not all horses' feet are the...

One Mighty Mini

Written by Deanna Stoppler, Horse & Sole Hoof Care, www.deannastoppler.comAt the end of September, Getty, my miniature horse, and I hiked 25 miles in two days on rugged, steep trails in Woodstock, Vermont, participating...

Cutt’n in Gloves

My mare went lame in cutting training before I bought her and then was used as a broodmare. She wore shoes, pads, wedge's and still wasn't sound. Two years down our barefoot transition road...

A Goober Using Goober

A Goober (that would be me) tried the ol' Goober Glue on the sole of the Easyboot Glove only. Being the experimental kinda gal that I am, I watched the videos on applying the Easyboot Glove...

The Gloves Are On!

And I'm not talking about the sparring gloves - I'm talking about the Easyboot Glove! Although, it may feel like we (CSR's) are sparring with you when you try to order the Glove, what...

Epic Evolution (Brandy does Cooley Ranch 50)

Submitted by Renee Robinson, Team Easyboot 2012 MemberNothing ever goes as planned. You’d think I’d be used to this by now. My main man, Bite, was scheduled to do two days at Cooley Ranch...

My Boot Buddies (in which I grow attached to a pair of boots)

During November, Uno and I were on the final 30-day period of his suspensory rehab, at the end of which--provided all went well--he would be pronounced "healed".November's instructions were to "add terrain" so I was to...

The Dynamic Hoof

As the seasons change, so do horses’ hooves. Many people view horses’ hooves as static objects that do not change significantly once the horse has reached maturity. In actuality, the hoof is incredibly dynamic...

Fifi’s Easyboot Clouds

We wanted to share a success story that our customer, Janice, shared with us recently. She has had a great experience using the Easyboot Cloud.  The Easyboot Clouds have been brilliant for Fifi! This...