Simple and Effective

Natalie Herman is one of those riders who just stands out in a crowd. She is forthright, she loves to ride, she treats her horses well and she stands up for what she believes...

Getting Ready for Bridgeport

Uno n' me get to go to Bridgeport this coming weekend - something I'm very cheerful about because as far as I'm concerned, the Eastern High Sierra Classic endurance ride is probably the most...

What a year for hoof boots and EasyCare!

Today is the last working day of the year for EasyCare and the EasyCare staff.  It's the final day of a wonderful year and a year that marks significant progress for natural horse products...

Do You Boot? Track to Trail With the Help of Easyboots

When I first met Mornings Minion and his owner Joanna it was a sad sight. The horse was very underweight and very lame. He had recently been rescued form a farm that had not...

Work That Body!

The bodies of our horses really put up with a lot, don't they? Not only are they subjected to riders and saddles and jumps and sudden stops and fast starts and headspinning turns and...

Beast & His Boots

I wish 7 years ago I had taken video and photos of my then 9 year old gelding. When Beast was given to me, he came with very simple instructions "he has bad feet,...

Sold on Using Easyboot Gloves

Hey, I am sold! I rode for 10 days at Mt Rodgers in Virginia. Rock upon rocks, mud and water. My boots stayed on and my horse did not get sore like some horses who...

Meeting Team Easyboot 2011 Members: Susan Gill & Sundance

Easyboots = Freedom After our successful attempt at gluing on Easyboot Gloves at our last ride, I was all set to do it again for the "real deal" at Buchan. And not just paint them...

Size Matters

Submitted by Gene LimlawI always think I have a little room to play with my boots. And most of the time I do. I my transition of Clyde my paint stallion to barefoot, I...

Happy Horse!

My horse has one leg that turns out and that foot has practically no heel. His other foot has a high heel. I did end up learning from your article that he has the...