Perhaps some of you were fortunate to see Dr. Bryan Fraley’s presentation on Hoof Boots and Laminitis at AAEP in Las Vegas last December.
Dr. Fraley heads up the Fraley Equine Podiatry Center located at Hagyard Equine Medical Institute in the heart of Lexington Thoroughbred country. EasyCare is thrilled that our products have played such a pivotal role in his research.
Dr. Fraley explores the how and why of “interchangeable soles” (EasyCare’s patented Click System) on hoof boots and presents compelling evidence of their use in the successful treatment of acute laminitis. On the hit parade are: boot selection and fit, usage of various packing materials, a candid look at the pros and cons of choosing modified boots over a more permanent shoe package.
The Therapy Click System is currently available in a 5 and 10 degree wedge and four sizes to fit nearly our entire range of boot styles. The degree of wedge can easily be adjusted with a grinder or the addition of adhesive material.
EasyCare is constantly working to develop novel solutions for treating lameness. You can see other therapy offerings like the Cloud, the Click, and the Flip Flop on our podiatry page HERE. Contact us to see how we can help you with even the toughest cases!
Debbie Schwiebert 800-447-8836 EXT 2224
Rebecca Balboni 800-447-8836 EXT 2232
Secrets of the Savvy: your source for inside information on all things EasyCare.