The EasyShoe Speed is a hybrid glue-on/nail-on composite horseshoe. The keyhole design allows for maximum heel flexibility and the thinner webbing provides excellent traction on all surfaces. The Speed is a great option for performance disciplines, including barrel racing, show jumping, eventing, polo, endurance, trail riding, and more. The Speed can also be a tool for therapy and hoof rehabilitation situations. The Speed Line consists of a full urethane version (EasyShoe Speed), a version with metal inserts (EasyShoe Speed Metal), and a version with 4 t-nuts for optional studs (EasyShoe Speed Metal Trac).
Are you interested in trying the EasyShoe Speed? Take a look at these frequently asked questions to help you get started.
Q: How do I apply the EasyShoe Speed?
A: The glue application is the most popular. The Speed pairs with acrylic or urethane glue. Options include but are not limited to: EasyShoe Bond Glue, EasyShoe Adhesives, or Vettec Adhere. The Speed is NOT designed for Super Glue.
Q: What tools do I need to apply the Speed?
A: You will need a bottle of acrylic or urethane glue, glue dispensing gun, mixing tips, and plastic wrap. Please check the size of the glue bottle and use the corresponding glue dispensing gun. You will also need tools to clean and prep the hoof. We recommend a Hoof Buffy or rasp, butane torch, and wire hoof brush. You may find other tools and tricks that help you clean and prep the hoof. See some of our gluing tips here.
Q: How do I nail the Speed?
A: If you prefer to nail the shoe, simply cut the cuffs off the shoe and nail as you would a traditional shoe. You will see 12 nail hole options on the bottom of the shoe. This allows you to choose where you will apply the nails. E-Head nails work best. You can nail any of the shoes in the Speed Line, however, the Speed Metal and Metal Trac will provide the most stability for nails.
Q: How do I know which size to pick for my horse?
A: Here is a guide that shows how to measure the hoof. Measure the hoof length with the 0 starting at the toe and the hoof width at the widest point. You can compare the measurements to the size chart found on our website. The width is the most crucial and the shoe should fit snug. We are happy to recommend a size based on your horse’s hoof measurements.
Q: Which shoe is best for me, the Speed, Speed Metal, or Speed Trac?
A: If you need a very lightweight shoe, the Speed is the best choice for you. The Speed will also allow maximum hoof flexibility. This option allows the hoof to function as a natural, barefoot horse while also providing protection on all terrain. The Speed Metal is a great option if you are looking for more structure or want to nail the shoe. The Speed Metal Trac is the best option if you would like extra traction because it has threaded inserts for 3/8″ studs. This would be a good choice for riding on slick grass. Ultimately, the shoe you pick will come down to personal preference.

Q: How long does the Speed stay on?
A: The Speed stays on for a full trim cycle just like a traditional steel shoe.
Q: Can I reset the Speed?
A: Yes! It is common to get anywhere from 1-3 resets per pair. The cuffs and shoe can often be reset together if removed carefully. If the cuffs are damaged during removal, you can heat weld new cuffs onto the shoe.
Q: Can I add a pad?
A: Yes. You can add DIM, a pour in pad, or a custom pad.
Q: Can I add a wedge?
A: Yes. You can add a custom wedge or rasp the shoe to create a wedge. At this time, we do not have a wedge accessory for the Speed line. If you need a wedge accessory, we recommend using the EasyShoe Versa Grip Glue.
Q: What is the difference between the EasyShoe Speed and the EasyShoe Versa Grip Glue?
A: The Speed and Versa Grip Glue are both applied with acrylic or urethane glues. They both excel in all disciplines and make a great tool for hoof rehab. Both shoes are the same thickness.
The Speed has a 10mm thinner webbing compared to the Versa Grip Glue, giving it additional traction especially in grass. The Speed has a keyhole design, allowing for more heel flexibility. You can cut the bridge in the keyhole for even more heel flexibility. The cuffs on the Speed have less holes than the Versa Grip Glue to save glue during the application process. The Versa Grip Glue will get more mileage because of the wider web. If you need a Wedge or Rocker, the Versa Grip Glue is a better option. Ultimately, the shoe you pick will come down to personal preference.

Q: Can I apply the Speed myself or does a farrier need to apply it?
A: As with all of our shoes, many experienced horse owners have success applying. We offer educational resources and videos to help. We always recommend working with your farrier to best suit the needs of your horse. Or, there are many EasyCare HCPs around the world that can apply our shoes for you.
Q: How do I remove the EasyShoe Speed?
A: The removal process is identical to the Versa Grip Glue. You can use nippers to remove the cuffs. Many people have different tricks to removing the shoes. After you remove them, we recommend using a wire hoof brush and Dremel to remove the dried up glue.
Have you tried the EasyShoe Speed? Let us know what you think!