I have now taken part in two different gluing occasions once with gluing on EasyShoes and most recently with gluing on shells. Rebecca and I (Devan) still have not come to an agreement about who is the hotdog and who is the bun, it is still the blind leading the blind, but we have been able to compile a list of 10 things that will help our fellow first time gluers.
1. Start preparing weeks ahead, watch all the videos, twice if not three times take notes because most likely you will have to make multiple orders and will forget something that is needed. Just remember most of the tools you only have to purchase once although it seems like a big investment to start, it will be minimal after that.
2. Make check list of supplies you will need, and double check that you have everything.
3. Talk with someone that is experienced with gluing procedures even if they have only done it a few times that little bit of experience will help. Learn from their mistakes or successes, nobody is born a great gluer.
4. Make sure your horse is ok with power tools and open flames, if they are not you will have to desensitize them to these new sounds and smells before attempting to glue.
5. Get some help, have two or four extra hands this makes everything so much easier.
6. The day you glue make sure you have ample time. If you are gluing after work like we did and there is a possibility you might run out of day light make sure you have a way to light up your working environment. Who knows what you might glue if you’re trying to do it in the dark.
7. If you are gluing when it is warm out have an ice chest to keep everything cool before and during gluing. If you are using Adhere, putting your glue on ice between feet will give you extra time with the glue since it sets so fast.
8. Wear clothes you don’t care about because gluing can be messy. This includes; shoes, socks, shirt, pants, and hat.
9. You will get glued to things, for example I had glued myself to the mat my horse was standing on. Former EasyCare employee Miriam Rezine shared the photo below of the mallet glued to her shirt. Have plenty of rags because you will need to wipe things off to hopefully lessen the likely hood of being glued to your tools or surroundings. Also layer up on latex gloves that way you can just peel a pair off once they get glue on them.
10. Gluing is addicting, I cannot wait to glue again. I keep thinking of all the things I would do differently, how I would perfect my technique, how I would make it look better and also make more horse more comfortable.
If you are wondering if gluing is something you can do, it is! Just make sure you are prepared, have lots of time and get ready to get messy. If you have and questions about the supplies you will need or just want someone to talk to about gluing don’t hesitate to call our customer service department, we are here to help! Are there any other first time gluers out there that have some great tips? We would love to hear from you.
Good luck and happy gluing!