The second week of July recognizes National Farriers Week. National Farriers Week began in 1998 “to honor farriers who pay attention to detail, approach their work in a professional manner, seek to improve their skills, are thoughtful toward clients and take great pride in doing what’s in the best interest of the horse.” We would like to recognize all of the hard working farriers that keep our equine partners happy and sound.
In honor of National Farriers Week, we would like to spotlight EasyCare’s very own farrier, Dan Schroeder. Dan has been a certified farrier for 12 years and part of the EasyCare team for 4 years. Dan works hard to share his expertise on EasyCare products with our customers. He hosts many EasyCare Clinics throughout the year, traveling hundreds of miles to help educate our customers. Dan shares:
“One of the best parts of working with EasyCare is talking to all of our wonderful Hoof Care Practitioners. Getting to hear all of the ideas that they come up with, and discussing cases with them is a wonderful experience. I then get to pass along that information along with my experiences to anyone who calls in looking for some advice. I get to go out and help horses in my practice, and also help a phenomenal group of HCP’s working on their own client’s horses. I get the best of both worlds.”
Thank you for all that you do for our customers, Dan! We are grateful to have you on the EasyCare team.