Have you found yourself struggling to to keep the velcro of your EasyGaiters on your Easyboot Epics, Bares or Gloves fastened? It’s possible that debris from your rides is stuck in the velcro preventing it from staying secure around your horses pasterns. It’s important to keep your natural hoof care products clean. I’ve often had customers call in to EasyCare and ask what they can do to fix
this issue.
A simple solution: use a wire cat or dog brush. Yes, I said a cat or dog brush (you can also use a steel brush). The bristles can help remove grass, hair and what ever else makes it’s way into the bristly grooves of the velcro. Use the brush on both sides of the velcro and your gaiters should continue to stay securely closed. So next time you’re at the store take a stroll down the pet isle and pick up a cat or dog brush to store with your tack for cleaning purposes.
Tara Kelly