The Challenges of Spring Grass: Laminitis and Founder

By Dawn WilloughbyIn most cases, owners can prevent the ravages of laminitis (inflammation of the laminae between hoof wall and coffin bone) and founder (pulling away of wall from coffin bone due to a...

Stabilizing Pedal Osteitis with a Glue-On Shell and Therapeutic Elevation Aid

In this case study submitted by Philip Himanka of Not Only Barefoot LLC, he describes the approach that he and Dr. Allen Landes took to help stabilize the coffin bone on a mare with...

Every Hoof Has A Story

We’ve all heard the joke, “Talk to the hoof!” But what we really need to do is listen to the hoof. Every horse’s hoof has a story to tell. If you look and listen,...

The Truth About Equine Abscesses- Part Two

Submitted by Patricia Morgan Wagner, Hoof Rehabilitation Specialist There is no actual treatment for an abscess once the white line has been invaded. The condition has to run its course. Epsom salt or vinegar soaks...

Laminitis And The Laminar Wedge: Take It Or Leave It

Laminitis is one of the biggest hoof problems we encounter as hoof care providers. I have studied laminitis for the past 12 years extensively, presenting on laminitis at the Laminitis Conference in Florida and...

When Abscess Goes Untreated – The Sequestrum

If you own horses, chances are good that at some point either you or someone you know spent many hours tending to an abscess. An abscess is collection of pus in an area of...

3 Ways to Treat Navicular/Heel Pain Using the Easyboot Glue-On

By Jon Smedley of Trim and Train There seems to be a lot of discussion surrounding the condition of navicular/heel pain. What exactly is it, and what qualifies as a diagnosis? Regardless of that discussion,...

Get a Grip

When you understand the hoof as a complex, flexible, living structure and then consider a shoe as a rigid cast, it's easier to imagine what the rest of the horse must do to compensate...

What’s the Difference?

Shoeing a horse versus going barefoot has probably been an ongoing argument since the first day a horse sandal was made by braiding dry grasses together. It’s quite common to be skeptical of innovation....

White Line Disease: Healing Through Nutrition, Hoof Care, and Booting

A case study by Casey Sexton of North Georgia Hoof Care In August of 2019 I was referred to a client by our local equine vet. The horse had a bad case of white line...