What Happens When an Abscess Goes Untreated
By Nancy Frishkorn BA, CHCP (reposted from September 10, 2013)
If you own horses, chances are good that at some point either you or someone you know spent many hours tending to an abscess. An...
Which Therapy Boot is Right for You?
By Katie Johanson, EasyCare Product Specialist Team Member
It can be a devastating experience when your horse becomes lame, and it usually marks the beginning of a long, arduous road to recovery before soundness is...
5 Ways to Help Your Horse Escape Hoof Discomfort with TheraPads
We all know that feeling - the one you get after you’ve walked all day in a pair of new, flat shoes on hard floors. The dogs are barking, and no matter how many...
Winter Leaving It’s Mark
Days getting longer, the sun a little stronger. Yes, still it is pretty cold at many places. But inevitably, as the sun comes up higher on the horizon, the ground is unfreezing in many...
Booting Beyond the Box
It's inspiring to see hoof care practitioners who are innovative problem solvers. These individuals don't run at the first sign of complexity, instead they stay the course; they figure it out.
This horse had blown...
Navicular: Excepts from an Article by Cheryl Sutor
The most common cause of lameness in horses is found in the navicular area of the horse's hoof.
The terms Navicular Disease and Navicular Syndrome are often used to define navicular problems. Navicular problems are...
Hoof Prosthetics: Prince’s Unlikely Hoof
Submitted by Philip Himanka
In March 2016, a miniature horse gelding named “Prince” was diagnosed by Colorado State University veterinarians with right coxofemoral joint luxation (dislocation of the femur head from the hip socket, disrupting...
Life During Founder Rehab
Submitted by Christin Ganey Davis
I was introduced to the barefoot and booting way of life in a very unexpected way. Our dressage horse, Chase, escaped from the barn with his sidekick during the night. Somehow, Chase...
EasyShoe Performance N/G Versatility
Our story begins with Blanche, a super sweet and gentle, giant white Mammoth Donkey. I have experience in working with Mammoth Donkeys in the past, and could tell from the pictures that our client...
A Beginner Building a Healthier Hoof
A Case Study by Casey Sexton of North Georgia Hoof Care in Atlanta, Georgia
On August 1, 2019, I was called in to work on a very lame Saddlebred. I arrived at the appointment to...