Cheap Horse Boots

EasyCare doesn't make Cheap Horse Boots but at various times during the year we do sell cheap horse boots.We have a couple programs where we sell Easycare boots and other models of protective horse...

Kevin And The 300

It is very hard for me now to pick up a pen and write a new blog after the tragic event that occurred within our EasyCare Family. It just hit too close to home....

Ask the Expert – What Inspires You?

We're excited to release the first installment in our blog series, Ask the Expert. The expert in residence here at EasyCare is Garrett Ford. As many of you know, Garrett Ford has been the...

The Amazing Kevin Myers

There are moments which mark your life. Moments when you realize nothing will ever be the same and time is divided into two parts, before this and after this.Kevin Myers, my friend, colleague, and...

Photo of the Week

In this week's photo our very own Debbie Schwiebert enjoys a perfect summer afternoon after a morning of riding in the high country of Colorado. Her horse is comfortably secured to the trailer using...

A Few Months In

Written by EasyCare Product Specialist Kat TarnowskiI’ve been part of the EasyCare team a few months now and I have learned A LOT. Not just about EasyCare products, but about hooves and angles and...

2016 Didn’t Suck!

We are still here after 46 years! 23 years under the direction of Dr. Neel Glass and 23 years under my direction.96% of businesses fail in the first ten years! EasyCare has been making...

Would you like to host an EasyCare clinic?

EasyCare has recently begun offering clinics for both hoof care practitioners and horse owners throughout the United States. We love being able to meet our customers and fellow hoof care enthusiasts in person, and...

It Pays to be an Easyboot Facebook Fan!

iBoot. Do You? If you're not yet a fan of the Easyboot Facebook Page, then it's time to sign up. Hurry: these exclusive offers expire on Friday, May 14, 2010!Facebook Fans can buy the new iBoot...

What If My Boots Don’t Fit?

Can I return or exchange my boots? What if they're not what I had in mind and I don't like them? EasyCare backs all of our products with a 45-Day Guarantee. If you are not completely...