If you have been following our blogs, I’m sure that you all remember Anne and the beautiful pictures of her TWH stallion, Cadence showing off his brand new Old Mac’s. Well, like mother, like daughter. The following is what Anne’s daughter, Rachel, has to say about her mare, BG and her Easyboots.
“I researched barefoot vs. shod and thought barefoot looked like the way to go. But BG has tender little feeties, so I researched the Easyboot. My shoer is GREAT and he came out and helped me pick the original Easyboot and measured her for me! BG seems very comfortable with her new Easyboots and I thought that they were …easy!
I did have shoes on her but I didn’t like the nails tearing up her feet and I wasn’t riding enough to make keeping shod worth it. So, I figured the Easyboots were the way to go. I could keep her barefoot and healthy and not have to spend a bunch of money on upkeep with shoes. BG just turned four this June and, for the most part, she’ll just be a pleasure pony. If we decide to compete at all, she’ll probably be a gaming horse. She already likes barrels! So far, we’ve just been training and trail riding. I’ve had BG for a year now and I think the Easyboots are a great option for her. I am 21 and go to school at Central Washington University for Environmental Science. Easyboots also help me save money, considering I’m a broke college student and shoeing costs anywhere from $85-$100 every 6-8 weeks.”
About the dog? “Puppy’s name is Turd Furguson. This picture was his first outting with horses. He was doing great until he got tired so I just propped him up with me.”
Anne is a firm believer in natural horse care and barefoot horses. I think that she has now converted her daughter! Way to go Anne and Rachel!
Dee Hoime
Customer Service
When you call EasyCare, I’m one of the folks that will answer. I’m also one of the cowgirls in the group. (Heck no, I don’t show, I Rodeo!) When it comes to life’s adventures – never pull back on the reins, and remember: the world is best-viewed through the ears of a horse!