Hoof care practitioners are an innovative bunch and the good ones tend to color a bit outside the lines. Through the years I’ve collected some great photos of various hoof boot modifications. The versatility of the Easyboot Bare, and Epic have made them the most popular for modifications. Easycare hoof boots are often just a place to start. These photos reflect a need and practitioners who used their imaginations and skill to make it happen. If you have a hoof boot modification you would like to share we would love to see it. Your modification to our protective horse boots could be the answer somebody’s been looking for and make a world of difference to a horse. Please send photos and descriptions to dschwiebert@easycareinc.com .

Thank you for showing these modifications. What great ideas showing how versatile these boots can be. The wooden clog added to the boot was especially interesting as I have a friend whose horse was being treated for Laminitis and had the wooden clogs screwed into her hooves. What a wonderful way to accomplish the same thing without putting screws into the hoof.
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