International Shipping? You Bet!

Did you know that EasyCare can ship all over the world?  No matter where you are located from Romania to Venezuela we can ship there!  If you need a replacement hoof boot part that your local dealer may...

You Want Me to Build a Dry What?

As I travel, I not only observe the horse’s feet but also the environment they come from.  The influence of the environment on the horse’s foot is incredible.  Even in our local Northeastern area,...

Club Footed…With Boots

Hello, I thought I'd take a moment to share my story with you all, since having a club-footed horse can add to the difficulty of transitioning your horse barefoot successfully. I have a few...

The Healing Power of Horses

I found this article online in the Daily Sound paper out of Santa Barbara, California.The Healing Power of Horses-It seems like only yesterday that Allen and Linda Anderson began posting flyers on community bulletin...

Frodo’s Big Parade

I received a call here at EasyCare back in mid June from a very frantic but wonderful lady named Faye from the UK. Her pony Frodo was supposed to be the VIP (very important...

Easy Retirement

From a front runner show horse to a "semi-retirement" pasture setting, Nike had a difficult time going from full time special bar shoes to regular shoes and from a heated barn to a pasture....

Gloves For All Terrain

By Mari Ural, Team Easyboot 2011 MemberLove, love my Gloves: a little athletic tape and pop on a Glove and we are set to go.  Here are some photos of Harley, happy in her Gloves....

Sassy and Her Easyboot Epics

Vicki had initially contacted me at the beginning of June. She had tried using the Easyboot Glove on her mule, Sassy, and they just were not working for her. Because of the shape of Sassy's hooves,...

NEATO Ride Report

Submitted by Gene LimlawThis past weekend I went to the NEATO Ride in Escoheag, Rhode Island. They offered a 30 and 50 mile ride with the Region 16 distance championship. Last year this ride...

Transitioning to Barefoot- A Sappy Reflection on Change

For me and others, the New Year is a prime opportunity to reflect on the past and gain some insight on how to go forward. This year, much of the reflection has been centered...