Gloves at Parada del Sol in Scottsdale

My endurance horse, Twister (2,600 AERC miles) and I were invited, along with 5 other riders, to represent the Arizona Arabian Horse Association entry at the 58th Annual Scottsdale Parada del Sol on February...

March 2011 :: International Partnerships & Collaborations, Laminitis Case Study, Dealer of The Month

Spring is definitely in the air on this side of the hemisphere.So although you may not be Skijorking in your Easyboot Gloves the way Monika Abstreiter is in this photo, you are no doubt...

Easyboot Gloves for Cat, Blue and Tonka

This is one of the best testimonials I've received in quite sometime. Thank You Cat for sharing your Natural Hoof Care experiences with us at EasyCare, love those pink power straps! Please Thank Blue and...

Sparks Fly!

I decided this year to try barefoot for the first time, and have spent the last few months trimming, fitting, etc. It hasn't been easy, and several times I thought of putting shoes back...

Knowing What You Want

The Amherst H. Wilder Foundation in Minneapolis funds a unique program called the James P. Shannon Leadership Institute. Over the course of nine months, a group of about 25 leaders from around the country...

Easyboot Epics for Olga

Now and then we hear from a customer who simply is dumbfounded as to why her boots don't fit. This was the case from Jenny Reid in Australia who had used the original Easyboot...

Once upon an Easyboot Glove

Once Upon a Hoofboot The meaning of endurance: bearing pain, or hardship, the ability or strength to continue despite fatigue, stress, or adverse conditions; stamina, a trial. If you are a distance rider you...

Gloves Conquer Mud and Steeps at Cache Creek Ridge

Submitted by Christina Kramlich Bowie, Team Easyboot 2012 MemberLast weekend my friend Pascale and I packed up two horses, my 13 year old standard poodle Nuala, and ourselves and headed about 120 miles miles...

What did Easyboots accomplish in 2009?

Here is a snap shot of what Easyboots did in the sport of endurance for the 2009 season.  EasyCare protective horse boots performed with the best, took home mileage awards, first place awards and...

Being Realistic

Submitted by Gene Limlaw My next horse to transition is a 14 year old Paint stallion we have named Amigos Summer Breeze, aka Clyde. I have done around 1,000 miles with him between CTR and...