Stella is 1/10th Goldfish: The After Shots

I mentioned that I was going to leave her flaky sole in there and just lower that hoof wall to get her sole more in contact with the ground. I could've knifed out the...

How to Check Hoof Balance

Would you like to impress your trimmer? A fun exercise to try at home is determining if your horse’s hoof is balanced. All you need is a ruler and a permanent marker.Hoof care professionals...

DIY – Maintaining Your Trim

Sprung from the recent Easycare Webinars are discussions left and right regarding trimming and maintaining the trim, as well as the status of Duncan's bachelorhood (he is a hottie-patottie and could probably find 864...

Rounding the Corner Part 2

Submitted by David Landreville of Landreville Hoof CareThis article is a continuation of my previous article, Rounding The Corner. The following photo collage is a good example of how I encourage a lower heel...

Are You Stupid Or What?

I recently told one of my horse friends that the best equine gift I've ever given myself and my equine partners in the ability to do my own hoof trimming! In return my friend...

Our First Natural Trim in a Year

We had a very interesting weekend. We competed in the Texas Trail Challenge CTR in Whitney, Texas. It has turned out to be a such beautiful spring in Texas, and what a difference from...

Booting Freedom

The day dawned gorgeous and frosty and my plan was to ride. So I get on the phone and call friend A."Hey do you want to ride today?""Oh I can't I have the farrier...

Balanced Hoof, Balanced Horse

Lateral or medial imbalances are fairly common and a symptom of uneven hoof loading.  To treat them properly, it's important to understand the cause. The load is dependent on a horse's conformation and muscle...

Keeping Up With the Trim

How often do you need to trim your horses hooves?The answer to this question will vary widely, because horses in different situations wear their feet differently.On one end of the scale, we have heard...

The Caudal Foot

A big and healthy frog is desirable, but why? What is hiding above it and what makes it so important?This nice specimen of a big frog on this Irish Cobb stands in stark contrast...