3 Tips for Successfully Using the EasyShoe Flex Clips

Think about this for a moment - horses are shod statically for when they are in dynamic motion. It seems incredible that we shoe a horse standing for when he is moving. It's a...

From the Farm to the Track

I never thought I would ever trim for Thoroughbred race horses.  After all, my barn is full of off-the-track race horses who have come to me with terrible feet.  OK, so I currently only...

Managing the Club Hoof

Many articles have been written about club 'footed' horses. Actually, horse do not have 'feet', dogs and humans do, but horses have hooves. Therefore the term 'barefoot', as much as it is in common...

Mastering Boot Fit: The Top Five Solutions You Should Know

If you had to look back over 2010, what would be the most resonating lesson you learned?For me, it was having the privilege of watching Duncan McLaughlin manage the hoof care of 12 or...

Having a Barefoot Clinic is as Easy as 1 2 3

Submitted by Charmain Q De Hart, Team Easyboot 2012 MemberHaving a barefoot clinic is not an easy task. Although we have done numerous presentations and several clinics, I still had that anxious feeling I...

Trimming the Toed-Out or Toed-In Foot

I wrote an article on how to maintain your horse's trim between your trimmer's visits for this week's On the Hoof entry. But I saw a horse yesterday that brought up an issue I...

Heel Height: Factors to Consider

I've yet to mentor an aspiring trimmer who didn't wish aloud for a hard and fast, always-and-never guide for trimming. Yep, that sure would make it easier! But we're working with a living thing...an...

My Solution for Grass Cracks

Submitted by Christina Kramlich Bowie, Team Easyboot 2011 member I was a little worried back in May when this nasty crack appeared on Czeale’s right front hoof. It seemed to pop up overnight and though he...

The Healing Power of Barefoot featured in Equus Magazine

Congratulations to Barefoot trimmer and EasyCare dealer, Karen Reeves of Keno, OR. whose work was recently featured in Equus Magazine. The magazine ran a nice article titled Healing a Hoof Crack, "A Hoof Made Whole". Karen as many of you already know...

The Mystery of the Collateral Grooves

Original article by Maria Siebrand of The Thoughtful Horseman.Measuring Uniform, Adequate Sole Depth Using the Collateral GroovesThe above image is from Marjorie Smith's barefoothorse.com (thank you, Marjorie!) but I've relabeled the image because...