Hoof Capsule Distortions, Part 4

In the last three posts we examined the different reasons as to why hoof capsules get stressed and distorted. In today's final instalment we conclude with a discussion about the sole and its function....

Floating The Heel

Finally we have successfully rebalanced the hooves and achieved an accurate M/L balance, only to discover to our dismay a few weeks later that same M/L imbalance again. What went wrong with our last...

Don’t Force the Fit

Have you ever struggled getting your tight-fitting Easyboots onto your horse's hooves towards the end of the trimming cycle? Some of our styles, such as the Easyboot Glove Soft, don't offer a lot of...

The Importance of the “Before and After”

We love to do before and after photo comparisons. They're fun and educational for us trimmers and also for our clients, the horse owners. I'm often surprised at how much has changed.I usually take...

Our First Natural Trim in a Year

We had a very interesting weekend. We competed in the Texas Trail Challenge CTR in Whitney, Texas. It has turned out to be a such beautiful spring in Texas, and what a difference from...

DIY – Maintaining Your Trim

Sprung from the recent Easycare Webinars are discussions left and right regarding trimming and maintaining the trim, as well as the status of Duncan's bachelorhood (he is a hottie-patottie and could probably find 864...

Charm School

A few weeks ago I loaded up the new pony, Charmy-Schmarmy, and took him to kindergarten. Not only is this a huge step for him, it's a huge step for myself- an obsessive-compulsive, worrying...

Boot Fit Analysis

A good fit is the number one criterion for determining the best boot for your horse. Whether you are looking for help with your first pair of boots or trying to resolve boot loss/damage,...

What You Shouldn’t Do, That I Did, And It Still Worked!

There are many things that I tell new riders to our sport of endurance that you shouldn't do: don't over-condition your horse as they need time to rest between rides; don't feed lots of...

Stella’s Hooves: Before Shots

I could possibly retitle this, as this was not pictures of her hooves before consuming 1oz quantities of alcohol and, I assure you, they would look no different after whiskey was consumed.I wanted to...