Boot Fit Analysis

A good fit is the number one criterion for determining the best boot for your horse. Whether you are looking for help with your first pair of boots or trying to resolve boot loss/damage,...

You Want Me to Build a Dry What?

As I travel, I not only observe the horse’s feet but also the environment they come from.  The influence of the environment on the horse’s foot is incredible.  Even in our local Northeastern area,...

Is Your Horse Really a Goat?

With all the different trim styles out there it can be difficult to make value decisions for your horse’s feet. Every horse is different, and depending on the environment, the horse’s job and where...

De-Glueing (in which Fergus gets his boots removed and gets the best trim he’s...

Fergus didn't get his glue-ons removed until the Saturday following NASTR 75 - 8 days later - due to lack of energy on my part. As soon as the shells come off is the...

Live Sole and Then Some

Springtime trimming can mean uncovering the past winters secrets. During the spring months, horses hooves grow about twice as fast compared to the growth we see in the middle of winter. Sometimes hooves can...

Our Second Natural Hoof Trim

The new hoof growth. This picture was taken four days before I met Trista in Waco for the trim. The hoof cracks are smaller.I rasped Newt's hooves for the first two weeks after his first...

What to Expect From Your Barefoot Trimmer

With the natural hoof care movement growing by leaps and bounds, many horse owners are seeking out barefoot trimmers. But just as in all professions, there are good and bad. Many people latch on...

Small Thing Sells His Soul to the Weather Gods (In Which We Don’t Make...

This horse did well at a tough 100 mile ride despite its rather alarming shoeing.It's possible that Small Thing is in league with the weather gods. Last Saturday we were supposed to be galloping...

Our First Natural Trim in a Year

We had a very interesting weekend. We competed in the Texas Trail Challenge CTR in Whitney, Texas. It has turned out to be a such beautiful spring in Texas, and what a difference from...

Booting Freedom

The day dawned gorgeous and frosty and my plan was to ride. So I get on the phone and call friend A."Hey do you want to ride today?""Oh I can't I have the farrier...