Too Expensive for Most? A Great Trick to Keep Your “One in a Million”...

Many of us have had that one in a million horse that we wish we would have taken a bit better care of.  We wish we would have saved his legs, we wish we...

You Don’t Know Where I Ride! Oh, But I Do…

An endurance riding competition is not the only activity that works well for showcasing many of the EasyCare products, but it does show what extremes can be achieved using our products. Now that the...

Why Do We Do This? For Successes Like Squishy’s!

After 21 years of making hoof protection for the equine industry there are certain moments that have grabbed my attention and make everything worth the hard work and effort.  The majority of these memories...

Easyboots in the Winner’s Circle

This summer we had some unfortunate shoeing problems. One horse affected was Sofine Strait Man +/, a wonderful chestnut Arabian gelding owned by Ella Frucherman and ridden by me, Kari Schmitt.We had to pull his...

2013 Success Stories – A Group Effort

Here we are again, the year is almost over and it is a great time for a summary of this year's highlights. The 2013 Easyboot/EasyShoe success stories include:Rusty Toth won the Tevis Cup in Easyboot...

Mucho Macho Man Wins $5,000,000

Did you know there is a significant connection between the Burns Polyflex Shoe and the soon-to-be-released EasyShoe?Curtis Burns of No Anvil, LLC, has been working closely with Garrett Ford for more than two years...

Easyboots at the AERC National Championship

Five of the top ten horses in the AERC National 100-Mile Championship at City of Rocks, Idaho, were ridden in Easyboot Glue-Ons. I had the good fortune to compete in the event on Sunday,...

The Ride of a Lifetime, and a Great Finish “to Boot”

A lot of fabulous stories are coming out of this year’s Tevis Cup. It’s great to be a member of Team Easyboot and to have contributed to the team’s success. Jenni Smith and I...

10 Things You Should Know About Easyboots at Tevis 2013

Easyboots cleaned up yet again at the 58th running of the Western States Endurance Ride on July 20, 2013.Jennifer Waitte and Jenni Smith arrive at the Foresthill vet check. Photo by Merri Melde. 161 riders...

Preparation, Preparation, Preparation

Tevis has come and gone. As in years past, EasyCare provided a free service and applied Easyboot Glue-Ons to the hooves of over 30 Tevis horses during the prior week. EasyCare staff and Team...