“Between the Twines” Get the facts on feeding and how diet affects your horse right down to its hooves! EasyCare dealers and hoof care professionals, Sossity & Mario Gargiulo of Wild Hearts Hoof Care will be hosting an equine nutrition clinic for horse owners and professionals.
The clinic will be taught by Sally Hugg (also an EasyCare dealer)–
Pacific Hoof Care Practitioners Practitioner, Mentor & Clinician www.bare-hooftrim.com
Date: Saturday, February 20, 2010
Time: 9:00 – 4:00
Location: The location will be in either Ventura or Ojai, but is TBD depending in part on the number of participants, so if you are interested please email Sossity Gargiulo ASAP to reserve your spot.
Cost: $50
Topics covered:
– Basic equine digestion and how it works
– Slow feeding for a healthy digestive system and a happier horse
– Nutrition 101 for horses: protein, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins
– Using the NRC “Nutrient Requirements of Horses” guidelines
– Understanding hay and the nutrition it provides – it’s not just roughage
– How to test hay or get information about the hay in your area
– Understanding insulin resistance – is your horse at risk?
– Weights, measures, and math – it’s easy!
– Formulating a ration that’s simple and cost effective
– Feeding for hoof health
– How to decipher a feed tag and supplement label
– Smart shopping – getting the best deals for your money
A 10 page handout, including a list of resources, will be provided. Participants are encouraged to bring feed and supplement labels from any products they are using. A hay corer and test sample kits will be available from Wild Hearts Hoof Care for those who would like to test their hay. Participants are asked to bring a calculator, pencil, and notebook.
Sally and Sossity are both held in high regard in hoof care circles. Both are EasyCare dealers, specializing in barefoot trimming, protective horse boots and natural horse products. Sally is also the developer of California Trace which has become quite popular with many natural hoof trimming professionals and their clients.
Good morning, Sossity. I am interested in coming to this clinic. I board my horse at the same barn as Debbie Swiebert, she told me about the clinic and we are planning on coming together, along with a couple other friends. Do I need to sign up somewhere else, do I pay when I get there? I am looking forward to this clinic!
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