Consider the wild horse hoof image below. There are also some wild horse hooves on the Tribe Equus website at Wild hooves are quite different from what we are used to seeing around us. Spend some looking at them to educate your eye.
In trimming the hooves of domestic horses, we aim to imitate the shape of wild horse hooves, with two qualifications:
1) Hooves that go 10 to 20 miles (15 to 30 km) daily as wild horses do, on hard ground will look better and be shorter (higher position of the coffin bone inside the hoof capsule), than hooves that don’t go so far, or that work mostly on soft footing.
2) Wild hooves living on flat prarie would look different from the wild hooves that lived on dry, rocky mountainsides.
Natural Hoof Care and using Protective Horse Boots such as the ones offered by EasyCare will increase the long healthy lives of our Equine Friends. Learn all about our Hoof Care Products by visiting
This is a front foot. The hind foot is less symmetrical, narrower, some what pointed in the toe, and the sole is more concave than a front foot.
Marcie Mendoza
Customer Service
You will find me at the front desk if you visit the EasyCare corporate headquarters. I am in charge of the web orders and I manage the Hoof Boot Upgrade program which offers discount pricing on boots.