Tell First
If you have not already participated in our Perfect Hoof Boot Survey, please do so. It’s free and it is your chance to help guide our hand in the development of new products. Although we test our product over many thousands of miles, the true guiding principles must come from you as our customers.
It is a simple and short online survey designed around questions and comments we’ve amassed from Facebook, our blogs and from conversations with you over the last 12 months. So take five minutes: click here now and let us know where to direct our time and resources. The survey closes on March 15, so make haste!
Then Show
Have you seen our new e-catalog yet? We’ve chosen an electronic magazine format that we think you will enjoy – complete with page turning sounds. You can click right through to specific product pages from the table of contents, and you can even magnify each page and scroll up and down to see the photos and read the print with ease. You can go to the catalog whenever you need to, and we’ll be adding pages to the catalog throughout the year as new products are added to the EasyCare line.
Click here to see it. We think you’ll like it.
Kevin Myers
Director of Marketing
I am responsible for the marketing and branding of the EasyCare product line. I believe there is a great deal to be gained from the strategy of using booted protection for horses, no matter what the job you have for your horse.