Mini Therapy Horses, based in California, recently took some time to honor our veterans by visiting the Battleship Iowa. Mini Therapy Horses is a non-profit organization providing equine therapy in hospitals and veteran homes. They have also been chosen to be in the Rose Bowl parade.
In preparation for all of their events, the Minis are walked, taken through choreography practice, and are meticulously groomed. They are ready 24/7 for therapy visits and crisis response. Some of the places they visit are the UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center, Shriners for Children Medical Center, and the Greater Los Angeles Veterans Hospital.
Victoria Nodiff-Netanel, Mini Therapy Horses President and Executive Director says, “Our goal has always been to bring joy, hope, and comfort to those who need it most.”
EasyCare is a proud sponsor of this fine organization. We applaud their efforts to bring joy to so many worthy causes. As you can see in the pictures, the miniature horses are all fitted in the Easyboot Mini. The boots provide traction and support for our mini friends on their visits, whether it be in a hospital or on a battleship.