Submitted by Mari Ural, Team Easyboot 2016 Member
Even if your horse doesn’t have the perfect foot, give the Easyboot Flip Flops a chance. Especially for those people who want to go barefoot, but feel they can’t, Flip Flops are the perfect solution.
Heart’s feet do not have the perfect shape for Glue-Ons or Gloves. He does use them with help from a power strap, tape and extra glue because the shells tend to get a gap at the “v”. His foot just seems to be narrower towards the coronet band than at the base, although the trim looks great.
We decided to give the Flip Flops a whirl. Knowing there would be some gapping we simply stuffed more glue into the gap. It has worked out great. He’s been out in sand, rocks, gravel and even some nice footing! He’s quite happy in his Flip Flops. He strides out and the Flip Flops are totally secure. The best part is that nothing collects in them. After the ride, there is no debris stuck inside the Flip Flops, they are clean as a whistle. When we were in mud, some did squish into the boot. However, when it dried it came right out again.
For those folks who wish to leave them on for a full trim cycle they are perfect. All the fresh air any hoof could want. Thank you, EasyCare.