How do I choose a Trimming Method?

We have had numerous calls at EasyCare from customers who want to take their horse's barefoot and start with natural hoof trimming but now they are faced with the decision of which trimming method?...

What to Trim Between Trims

As a barefoot hoof care practitioner, I typically keep all of my clients on a four week trim schedule. If you are fortunate enough to have your horse in a pasture or large pen...

My Solution for Grass Cracks

Submitted by Christina Kramlich Bowie, Team Easyboot 2011 member I was a little worried back in May when this nasty crack appeared on Czeale’s right front hoof. It seemed to pop up overnight and though he...

Stella’s Hooves: Before Shots

I could possibly retitle this, as this was not pictures of her hooves before consuming 1oz quantities of alcohol and, I assure you, they would look no different after whiskey was consumed.I wanted to...

Positive Changes

Submitted by Sossity Gargiulo, Wild Hearts Hoof CareI was recently asked by EasyCare to write up a few words about our trimming theory and approach. This always ends up being quite difficult to be succinct...

Choose Your Weapons! The Right Tools Make Barefoot Trimming Easier

Wandering around a farrier's supply store, whether in person or online, can be a little boggling. You really just need nippers, a hoof knife, and a rasp... but which ones?First and foremost, be prepared...

Transition Tuesday: There’s Something Funky Going On

There's something funky going on at Gotta Go Ranch.Redford and Rocky I'm not sure what it is, but all the horses are going through big changes in their feet. Take Redford and Rocky for instance....

Are You Stupid Or What?

I recently told one of my horse friends that the best equine gift I've ever given myself and my equine partners in the ability to do my own hoof trimming! In return my friend...

The Frog: Bare Vs Shod

I rode a few horses barefoot the other day and out on the trail I ran into some hoof prints of a horse that was clearly wearing shoes. As I looked at the hoof...

DIY – Maintaining Your Trim

Sprung from the recent Easycare Webinars are discussions left and right regarding trimming and maintaining the trim, as well as the status of Duncan's bachelorhood (he is a hottie-patottie and could probably find 864...