Discover the Benefits of Super Glue

Super Glue, also known as cyanoacrylate, is gaining popularity in the hoof care industry for good reason. Super Glue makes the gluing process as simple as can be, allowing many horse owners to dabble...

High and Low From Above

Okay, let's do it, let us move higher. At least a few feet above the hoof level:This horse's front left hoof is ahead of the right one. Left hoof is also larger, has a...

DHF Addressing Hoof Distortion: Slippering Heels

There are many ideas surrounding how to address the back of the foot with our trim. Heels, bars, frog...some trimming techniques are more aggressive than others, recommending more or less removal of material.I was...

Soft Country Feet Revisited

Some months back I wrote an article, Soft-Country Feet?, where I suggested that hoof ailments such as hoof cracks, white-line disease and thrush, common to horses living in soft, wet environments could be reduced or eliminated...

Our Shahzada Story

By Susan Gill and Jenny MoncurI'd been doing endurance for a few years before I even became aware of the iconic Shahzada ride. It sounded quite interesting, but a ride for other people not...

Shoeing The Hoof Or Shoeing The Horse?

By Christoph Schork of Global Endurance Training CenterHorses hooves do have "big shoes to fill," pun intended. Not so much because of previous great shoeing experiences but more so because of their responsibility to...

Retracted Soles: A Broader Perspective

In 2012 I wrote a blog about retracted soles, describing an appearance of the sole with seemingly "good concavity and sole callus" that in reality can be quite dysfunctional, and lead to lameness:"Retracted soles are...

What Have We Learned?

Remember the good old times? I do have fond memories of foaming the Original Easyboots on horses' hooves. In the 80s and 90s, we often foamed. And what a mess it sometimes was. Very...

Freezing the Frozen Ground Follies: Ways to Make Winter Riding More Comfortable for...

The lower limb of the equine is an exceptionally delicate and arguably the most important dynamic of the overall horse. Like us, the functions of the leg are movement, bear weight/provide support, and absorb...

EasyCare at the PHCP Conference in Denver

Written by Dan Schroeder, EasyCare HCP/Vet Dealer RepresentativeEasyCare recently attended the PHCP (Progressive Hoof Care Practitioners) Conference in Denver, CO. I had an absolutely great time, to say the least.Over the last couple of...