The lower limb of the equine is an exceptionally delicate and arguably the most important dynamic of the overall horse. Like us, the functions of the leg are movement, bear weight/provide support, and absorb shock. The hoof is the most significant source of dissipating shock. It reduces the harsh impact to the rest of the body. If the ground freezes in your region during the winter months, this function of the hoof is even more critical.

The frog, digital cushion, suspensory ligament and deep digital flexor tendon are the biggest shock absorbers of the limb. The expansion of the hoof wall when  the hoof makes contact and bears weight also accepts impact.

 An interesting chart constructed by Hans Castelijns, DVM and certified farrier, displayed below provides measurable comparison of the impact intensity of a shod hoof in comparison to a barefoot hoof:


Put a thermoplastic polyurethane Easyboot on that unshod hoof and we’d really be seeing some different figures! Take it a step further and apply Shufill silicone in those Easyboots and your horse will think he’s walking on clouds. See how Garrett does it here.

3 reasons to ride in Easyboots this winter:

1. No balling up of snow under the hooves.
2. Ice studs allow you to worry less and ride more over snowy terrain.
3. Easyboots provide extra shock absorbing qualities to reduce impact over the frozen ground.

Call EasyCare to discuss boot options for the winter months. Winter may mean a mild, wet season or it may mean 18” off snow accumulation overnight. In either environment, there is sure to be a purpose for a pair of Easyboots. We look forward to hearing from you.

Mariah Reeves

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Customer Service

As one of the customer service representatives, I am happy to help get your horse into the right boots. I promote holistic methods of equine care and will assist you with finding the perfect fit for horse and rider.