Barefoot Trimming The Success Of The Future

I personally believe the biggest challenge to natural horse care and barefoot trimming is the number of natural hoof care professionals in the field. Easycare receives 100's of calls every month from consumers looking...

The Mystery of the Collateral Grooves

Original article by Maria Siebrand of The Thoughtful Horseman.Measuring Uniform, Adequate Sole Depth Using the Collateral GroovesThe above image is from Marjorie Smith's (thank you, Marjorie!) but I've relabeled the image because...

3 Tips for Successfully Using the EasyShoe Flex Clips

Think about this for a moment - horses are shod statically for when they are in dynamic motion. It seems incredible that we shoe a horse standing for when he is moving. It's a...

High and Low From Above

Okay, let's do it, let us move higher. At least a few feet above the hoof level:This horse's front left hoof is ahead of the right one. Left hoof is also larger, has a...

What About Trimming the Bars?

Very few hoof trimming issues are as controversial as trimming the bars. Opinions vary greatly, from not touching them at all to cutting them down all the way to the sole level or beyond...

My Solution for Grass Cracks

Submitted by Christina Kramlich Bowie, Team Easyboot 2011 member I was a little worried back in May when this nasty crack appeared on Czeale’s right front hoof. It seemed to pop up overnight and though he...

Is Your Horse Really a Goat?

With all the different trim styles out there it can be difficult to make value decisions for your horse’s feet. Every horse is different, and depending on the environment, the horse’s job and where...

Hoof Care Practitoner Tip Of The Week- Hoof Knife Sharpening

Whether you are a professional barefoot trimmer or horse owner maintaining your own barefoot horses, keeping hoof knives good and sharp is an ongoing project.  "It is essential to start out with a sharp knife", says hoof...

Get a Grip

When you understand the hoof as a complex, flexible, living structure and then consider a shoe as a rigid cast, it's easier to imagine what the rest of the horse must do to compensate...

Soft Country Feet Revisited

Some months back I wrote an article, Soft-Country Feet?, where I suggested that hoof ailments such as hoof cracks, white-line disease and thrush, common to horses living in soft, wet environments could be reduced or eliminated...