That’s Not The Shape of My Hoof

Submitted by David Landreville, Guest HCP BloggerWhen trimming horses' hooves, finding the true form is very much like sculpting. It's not the kind of sculpting that first comes to mind though, where you would...

Booting Freedom

The day dawned gorgeous and frosty and my plan was to ride. So I get on the phone and call friend A."Hey do you want to ride today?""Oh I can't I have the farrier...

Debate? What Debate?

Rumor has it that there is still a debate going on about what’s best for horses: steel shoes or barefoot?Years ago I came across the writings of Dr. Tomas Teskey, D.V.M: "The unfettered foot:...

A Charming New Addition

Sometimes, no matter how much you try to force something to work, it just wasn't meant to be. I wrote about my big grey gelding, Khopy, frequently in this blog throughout the past year....

What to Expect From Your Barefoot Trimmer

With the natural hoof care movement growing by leaps and bounds, many horse owners are seeking out barefoot trimmers. But just as in all professions, there are good and bad. Many people latch on...

Stella is 1/10th Goldfish: The After Shots

I mentioned that I was going to leave her flaky sole in there and just lower that hoof wall to get her sole more in contact with the ground. I could've knifed out the...

How to Check Hoof Balance

Would you like to impress your trimmer? A fun exercise to try at home is determining if your horse’s hoof is balanced. All you need is a ruler and a permanent marker.Hoof care professionals...

The Mystery of the Collateral Grooves

Original article by Maria Siebrand of The Thoughtful Horseman.Measuring Uniform, Adequate Sole Depth Using the Collateral GroovesThe above image is from Marjorie Smith's (thank you, Marjorie!) but I've relabeled the image because...

Bringing a Sole Back To New Life Through Shorter Trimming Cycles

The healing art of a smooth transition from a distorted pathological foot to a sustainable bare foot and then on to a well developed barefoot lies in the knowledge of proper form and recognizing...

Five Basics to Successful Booting: Number 5

#5: A Healthy Barefoot TrimI am not a professional hoof care practitioner, but I did work with a hoof care professional to write this post about a maintenance barefoot trimming strategy.Boot losses. We've all had them....