5 Important Things to Know for Success with the Easyboot Fury

EasyCare's newest hoof boot, the Easyboot Fury, is designed to go the distance with comfort and durability in mind. As the hoof changes throughout the trim cycle, you can easily adjust the heel length...

Managing the Club Hoof

Many articles have been written about club 'footed' horses. Actually, horse do not have 'feet', dogs and humans do, but horses have hooves. Therefore the term 'barefoot', as much as it is in common...

Dressage, Bare-ly.

In between conditioning rides, endurance rides, work and my home life, I embark on a 10-minute drive down the road, trailer and pony in-tow, every Wednesday evening. My route includes a three mile drive...

The Secret of Successful Booting

Far at the McDowell Turkey Trot 75. Photo© Steve Powers.There are times when things just seem to go right. I had one such ride this weekend on our last race of the 09 season....

Trimming Tools and the Art of Maintenance

There are many reasons for that development, but the fact is that more and more riders and horse owners are now trimming their horses hooves without the help of professional hoof technicians and farriers....

Barefoot Trimming The Success Of The Future

I personally believe the biggest challenge to natural horse care and barefoot trimming is the number of natural hoof care professionals in the field. Easycare receives 100's of calls every month from consumers looking...

Soft Country Feet Revisited

Some months back I wrote an article, Soft-Country Feet?, where I suggested that hoof ailments such as hoof cracks, white-line disease and thrush, common to horses living in soft, wet environments could be reduced or eliminated...

Defining Transition

I spoke with a lady on the phone today that had pulled the shoes off of her horse a week ago.  She said that when she rode him last weekend, he was sore and...

Transition Tuesday: Looking into the Sole

Ricky Bobby is now at just over three weeks since his shoes were pulled. Last Saturday his right front sole was showing signs of shedding. I gently scraped the surface of it with a knife,...

The History of Barefoot Trimming for Mounted Patrol Horses

Houston Police Officer, Greg Sokoloski, recounts the start of natural hoof trimming for the Houston City Mounted Patrol unit horses.........The Houston Police Mounted patrol started using unshod, barefoot police horses in 2004. Starting with...