Essentials for Choosing and Keeping a Barefoot Riding Horse

I recently read a book, "Maintaining a Natural Horse", by Tim Ware. Tim does barefoot trimming, so understands the needs completely. He presents a program for keeping a horse barefoot and rideable. A basic understanding...

Re-Thinking Horse Shoes

A world of information is available at This following article makes us stop and think how important natural horse care is and finding the right protective horse boots that are available, starting with EasyCare, the leader in hoof boots!When we...

Fitting Zahara’s Spare Part

Submitted by Stacey Maloney, Team Easyboot 2012 MemberLast summer my Competitive Trail Riding prospect, Zahara, broke my heart when she suffered a pretty bad heel bulb laceration - twice. Instead of spending the summer...

Relief Is Just An Hour Away!

I recently posted about transition in my newest horse, Khopy. I decided to give him some longer-term support, by gluing on Easycare Glue-On Shells with Goober Glue.I trimmed him just a tad (backed up...

A Thousand years of Rocket Science…

Of all the medieval inventions still in use today, can you think of a single one that has undergone less transformation than the horsehoe?Photo above shows a selection of English horseshoes in the store...

How to maintain Barefoot Horse Hooves

Barefoot Equine has a video on how to maintain your horses Barefoot Hoofs through natural hoof trimming and also addresses some common horse hoof problems.The video has a simple guide to proper Barefoot hoof...

Join the Crowd

Pictured above is Vickey and friends. The TWH on the far left is now happily shoeless and booted.If you ask me, it's more than a crowd: it's a stampede. More and more horse owners...

Then and Now

This last year has been a huge year for me in natural horse care and natural hoof trimming. While I have trimmed my horses for the past several years, I haven't had to deal...

The Secret of Successful Booting

Far at the McDowell Turkey Trot 75. Photo© Steve Powers.There are times when things just seem to go right. I had one such ride this weekend on our last race of the 09 season....

In which I Ride Little and Often

This week Uno and I embarked upon Phase 2 of his suspensory injury rehab - once a day I have to ride him at a walk for 30 minutes on "firm, level ground". The 30 minutes a...