Photo above shows a selection of English horseshoes in the store of the Weald and Downland Museum, dating from the eleventh century to the nineteenth. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia contributor Warofdreams.
Amazing isn’t it? When I saw this photo and caption in The Thoughtful Horseman newsletter it stopped me in my tracks! As it sunk in I thought, “talk about being stuck in a rut”! Some would say, the iron horse shoe in its traditional form owes its longevity to the very fact that it works. But does it really? Many “traditional” professionals in the equine industry are thinking long and hard about this. In fact it is one of the most talked about topics in the equine industry. It is hard to argue with the results of natural horse care and a barefoot life style for horses. We know that iron shoes can contribute to many various issues in the horse. Many of us have personally experienced the roller coaster ride of lameness or a loss of a horse that, if we had only known then what we know now; things would have been so much different. It is bitter sweet. As this awareness grows, barefoot hoof care is thriving. With the Glove , Glue-On , Edge and Rx hoof boots entering the market in 2009 we have never had more options in hoof boots than we do today. BUT, not to rest on our laurels EasyCare will push on, taking hoof boots to the next level. The industry demands it, the horses demand it. I am proud to work for a company that isn’t stuck in a rut! EasyCare is constantly evolving and working diligently to bring professionals and horse owners the best in bare hoof protection and education through the latest advancements in technology.
The Thoughtful Horseman newsletter written and distributed by barefoot trimmer Maria Siebrand of Coronado, CA. If you don’t currently receive her newsletter it is great and I encourage you to subscribe. Maria is an EasyCare dealer, PHCP member and mentor. She is available for clinics, lectures and mentorships on barefoot hoof care and progressive horsekeeping practices. Thank you Maria for your inspiration.