Four Years and Counting

Mongols honing their archery skills.The peoples of The Steppes have been riding bare and without hoof protection for thousands of years, we know them from the history books and heard about their amazing horses:...

Frog Obsession

The dish soap I had on hand, the scrubby brush and my sad purple hoof pick.A few weeks ago, Dawn Willoughby posted an entry called "If I Only Had Four Frogs." I read and...

Project Moose

What's life without a little variety? I'm talking big movin', big footed, big boned, big headed kinda variety. I recently agreed to take on a project for a good friend. The "project" is actually...

Riding, Trimming, Riding, Trimming, Trimming, Trimming, Trimming!

It feels like it never ends! This is the first time I have ever had three of my own horses going at one time. With two horses competing, and one that is struggling to...

Small Thing Sells His Soul to the Weather Gods (In Which We Don’t Make...

This horse did well at a tough 100 mile ride despite its rather alarming shoeing.It's possible that Small Thing is in league with the weather gods. Last Saturday we were supposed to be galloping...

Balancing Booted and Bare

It's that time of year where spring seems to have sprung, at least in our neck of the woods. I am sure as I am writing this there is a wicked snowstorm or impressive...

The Gives a Nice Nod to EasyCare Hoof Boots

To Shoe? For many that isn't even a question for consideration. The answer is barefoot and booted! In an article just released on The by Heather Smith Thomas (October 01 2009, Article # 15175), Heather talks...

Déjà Vu – Toe Length and Boot Loss

When I first transitioned Roo to barefoot-n-boots in 2009, the biggest hurdle to overcome was persuading his back feet to stay in their Easyboot Gloves when going up steep hills - particularly after going...

Reporting on the Cooley Ranch Endurance Ride

Submitted by Christina KramlichLast weekend I had the pleasure to attend the Cooley Ranch Ride in Sonoma County, California.  As far as I’m concerned, it’s a must-do event. The beautiful setting on a private...

The Dynamic Hoof

We all know the importance of fitting hoof boots correctly, more than once we have we read the phrase on EasyCare's blog and website 'The single most important factor when fitting a hoof boot...