Looking Beyond Frequent Hoof Trimming as the Magic Fix for Hoof Rehab

By Hoof Care Practitioner David Landreville of Landreville Hoof Care If you’re struggling with hoof issues, don't fool yourself into thinking that merely trimming more frequently is going to be a magic fix. There’s always a...

Heel Height: Factors to Consider

I've yet to mentor an aspiring trimmer who didn't wish aloud for a hard and fast, always-and-never guide for trimming. Yep, that sure would make it easier! But we're working with a living thing...an...

What to Know About Trimming the Toe…

Generally, trimming the toe properly is relatively simple. On a reasonably healthy foot, bring the wall about an 1/8" above sole plane, and bevel back to the waterline. Your bevel will be stronger on...

Balanced Hoof, Balanced Horse

Lateral or medial imbalances are fairly common and a symptom of uneven hoof loading.  To treat them properly, it's important to understand the cause. The load is dependent on a horse's conformation and muscle...

What In The World Is The F Balance?

What is the difference between the length and the height of a hoof's heel? The photo below illustrates it. The yellow arrow shows the height, the red arrow shows the length of the heel. So, why...

Managing the Club Hoof

Many articles have been written about club 'footed' horses. Actually, horse do not have 'feet', dogs and humans do, but horses have hooves. Therefore the term 'barefoot', as much as it is in common...

The Importance of the “Before and After”

We love to do before and after photo comparisons. They're fun and educational for us trimmers and also for our clients, the horse owners. I'm often surprised at how much has changed. I usually take...

Hoof Care Starts In The Gut

They can be seen everywhere, the most unbalanced hooves, long toes, underrun heels, high heels, flares, you name it. It is truly amazing that horses with neglected hooves can sometimes bring superior performances to...

The Challenges of Spring Grass: Laminitis and Founder

By Dawn WilloughbyIn most cases, owners can prevent the ravages of laminitis (inflammation of the laminae between hoof wall and coffin bone) and founder (pulling away of wall from coffin bone due to a...

Frog Talk, Part II

In Frog Talk, Part I last month, we discussed frog trimming and looked at various frog pictures of all kinds of shape and form. In this second part of Frog Talk, we are going...