Is Your Horse Really a Goat?

With all the different trim styles out there it can be difficult to make value decisions for your horse’s feet. Every horse is different, and depending on the environment, the horse’s job and where...

Frog Talk – Part I

What do frogs and bars have in common?  Answer: they are both most controversial among hoof professionals.Bars and frogs of the equine hoof are the most discussed tissues and there are about as many...

Cracking the Code on Hoof Cracks

What causes hoof cracks? There are many factors that contribute to the development of hoof cracks and understanding the cause is the key to developing a solution.Infrequent Trim Schedule The first factor and the...

Rounding the Corner

Submitted by David Landreville of Landreville Hoof CareThere are a lot of trim methods out there teaching how to address heel height without mentioning heel shape. The shape of the heels are meant to...

Horse Hoof Trimming Using a Disc Grinder

Another Skeptic Converted to Barefoot Grinder Trimming by Carolyn DierksenThe story I would like to tell you here is about a new method of hoof care, introduced to me by Phil Morarre. I first...

Rehabilitation of the Insulin Resistant Foundered Horse: DHF Style

We at Daisy Haven Farm, Inc, focus our practice on rehabilitation of the equine foot.  We do our best to be objective about the work we do on the horse’s foot and refrain from...

What’s the Right Heel Height?

Wouldn't it make life so much easier if we had a hard-and-fast, always-and-never guide for trimming our horses' hooves? Unfortunately the hoof can't be simplified like that. The hoof is an amazing feat of...

Floating The Heel

Finally we have successfully rebalanced the hooves and achieved an accurate M/L balance, only to discover to our dismay a few weeks later that same M/L imbalance again. What went wrong with our last...

Looking Beyond Frequent Hoof Trimming as the Magic Fix for Hoof Rehab

By Hoof Care Practitioner David Landreville of Landreville Hoof CareIf you’re struggling with hoof issues, don't fool yourself into thinking that merely trimming more frequently is going to be a magic fix. There’s always a...

Step by Step Trim Progression

I talk a lot here about how to go about trimming a hoof, but this week, I wanted show a hoof at each stage of my trim.Before we start, though, I think this is...