Winter Leaving It’s Mark

Days getting longer, the sun a little stronger. Yes, still it is pretty cold at many places. But inevitably, as the sun comes up higher on the horizon, the ground is unfreezing in many...

Mastering Boot Fit: The Top Five Solutions You Should Know

If you had to look back over 2010, what would be the most resonating lesson you learned?For me, it was having the privilege of watching Duncan McLaughlin manage the hoof care of 12 or...

Uno’s Official 2011 Boot Sizing Ceremony

Well, so much for my "Trimming Day" plan - a two-week bout of lurgy sickness resulted in a stupendous 4 out of 24 feet being trimmed. Better than nothing, but not exactly what I'd...

A Charming New Addition

Sometimes, no matter how much you try to force something to work, it just wasn't meant to be. I wrote about my big grey gelding, Khopy, frequently in this blog throughout the past year....

It’s Not Just Bare Feet

Here is an excerpt from another fantastic article from The Horse's Hoof archives. This article helps show that several elements are required to be successful at keeping your horse barefoot. Please read it with an open mind.Going...

Step by Step Trim Progression

I talk a lot here about how to go about trimming a hoof, but this week, I wanted show a hoof at each stage of my trim.Before we start, though, I think this is...

Snow Days!

Keeping consistent with my recently decided goal of staying positive all winter, I have been trying to make something good out of something that we might normally complain about this time of year. We...

Roop Gets a Trim

Work has been ridiculous the last couple of months and I've been struggling to keep up with the day-to-day care of my six, let alone get much riding in. For this reason, several of...

The Healing Power of Barefoot featured in Equus Magazine

Congratulations to Barefoot trimmer and EasyCare dealer, Karen Reeves of Keno, OR. whose work was recently featured in Equus Magazine. The magazine ran a nice article titled Healing a Hoof Crack, "A Hoof Made Whole". Karen as many of you already know...

What to Trim Between Trims

As a barefoot hoof care practitioner, I typically keep all of my clients on a four week trim schedule. If you are fortunate enough to have your horse in a pasture or large pen...