What You Shouldn’t Do, That I Did, And It Still Worked!

There are many things that I tell new riders to our sport of endurance that you shouldn't do: don't over-condition your horse as they need time to rest between rides; don't feed lots of...

Our First Natural Trim in a Year

We had a very interesting weekend. We competed in the Texas Trail Challenge CTR in Whitney, Texas. It has turned out to be a such beautiful spring in Texas, and what a difference from...

Heel-First Landing: A Good Indicator of A Balanced Trim

The barefoot horse movement and its veterinary researchers have come up with a reliable way to tell whether a horses barefoot hoof is well-trimmed overall.Traditionally, people understood the importance of breakover to a horse's...

Snow Days!

Keeping consistent with my recently decided goal of staying positive all winter, I have been trying to make something good out of something that we might normally complain about this time of year. We...

Keeping Up With the Trim

How often do you need to trim your horses hooves?The answer to this question will vary widely, because horses in different situations wear their feet differently.On one end of the scale, we have heard...

What to Expect From Your Barefoot Trimmer

With the natural hoof care movement growing by leaps and bounds, many horse owners are seeking out barefoot trimmers.  But just as in all professions, there are good and bad.  Many people latch on...

From the Farm to the Track

I never thought I would ever trim for Thoroughbred race horses.  After all, my barn is full of off-the-track race horses who have come to me with terrible feet.  OK, so I currently only...

How to maintain Barefoot Horse Hooves

Barefoot Equine has a video on how to maintain your horses Barefoot Hoofs through natural hoof trimming and also addresses some common horse hoof problems.The video has a simple guide to proper Barefoot hoof...

How To Reduce Collisional Force

I’ve always thought it would be cool to be a runner. We would have cross-country runs once a month when I was a kid and I thought it rather exotic for the entire phys...

Starting From Scratch – Part 2

Putting Theory into PracticeIt's always better to demonstrate to people how not to do things. I feel they learn so much more by observing others' mistakes, than for everything to go perfectly smoothly and...