I Got The Power

Submitted by Karen Bumgarner, Team Easyboot 2015 MemberI used to struggle with a leather punch to put the holes in my Easyboot Gloves and then add a power strap. Those tough Gloves are hard...

Even Moms Can Do It

Submitted by Leah Cain, Team Easyboot 2015 MemberMost recently I have had a few people say, how do you do it all? How do you have time? It can be done people.To give you the...

Cinderella’s Easyboot Glue-On?

Submitted by Sally Tarbet, Team Easyboot 2015 MemberI was out checking fence yesterday on our 160 acre ranch outside of Eagle, Idaho and came across an Easyboot Glue-on that had failed a ‘minimal glue’ test. It was...

Forgetting Something?

Relax! Don't worry too much, it is not age related and it is nobody's fault. It is just a fact. And it is not a surprise, either. Research has shown our average retention rate...

Back in the Game

Submitted by Karen Neuenschwander, Team Easyboot 2015 MemberI have called myself an endurance rider for sixteen years. I got hooked as a college student when I retired my dressage horse at an endurance barn...

Old Mac’s G2 in All Its Accessory Glory

The Old Mac's G2 is a time tested and proven riding boot that is one of the most popular boots in the Pleasure Riding line up. We have success stories from turn-out use, to jumping, to Mounted Police...

Extra Measures for Roadside Safety

It certainly seems that horse-vehicle accidents have been on the rise. While many riders have the luxury of never needing to ride near a roadway, many riders have no choice but to cross one...

And You Thought Booting a Horse was a Tough!

Submitted by Karen Bumgarner, Team Easyboot 2015 MemberAre you an armchair musher? Are you addicted to following the famous Alaskan Iditarod like me? Some people call it the last great race, and I believe...

I Have a Hoof Fetish

The horse has a natural pulley system in its leg. It uses the bone pivot of its fetlock and lower pastern, along with the help of its ligaments to take the brunt of its...

Zen and the Art of Boot Care

Submitted by Jean Welch, EasyCare Customer Service RepresentativeIf you spend any time with horses, you’re probably familiar with the haysock phenomenon. Somehow a piece of hay finds its way into your boot and pokes...