Our First Natural Trim in a Year

We had a very interesting weekend. We competed in the Texas Trail Challenge CTR in Whitney, Texas. It has turned out to be a such beautiful spring in Texas, and what a difference from...

What to Trim Between Trims

As a barefoot hoof care practitioner, I typically keep all of my clients on a four week trim schedule. If you are fortunate enough to have your horse in a pasture or large pen...

Balanced Hoof, Balanced Horse

Lateral or medial imbalances are fairly common and a symptom of uneven hoof loading.  To treat them properly, it's important to understand the cause. The load is dependent on a horse's conformation and muscle...

Debate? What Debate?

Rumor has it that there is still a debate going on about what’s best for horses: steel shoes or barefoot?Years ago I came across the writings of Dr. Tomas Teskey, D.V.M: "The unfettered foot:...

A Day in the Life of a South African Hoof Care Practitoner

EasyCare is pleased to have Desiree Wadsworth of Primary Hoofcare join our team of hoof care practitioner dealers. Desiree is from East London, South Africa. Desiree, a member of Pacific Hoof Care Practitioners, recently made a...

Heel-First Landing: A Good Indicator of A Balanced Trim

The barefoot horse movement and its veterinary researchers have come up with a reliable way to tell whether a horses barefoot hoof is well-trimmed overall.Traditionally, people understood the importance of breakover to a horse's...

Q&A – Should my horse have his frog and sole trimmed?

Customer Question: My farrier is very conscientious and appears well trained with recent schooling. I’m puzzled by the fact that he trims the frog and some of the sole of the hoof. I ride my...

What You Shouldn’t Do, That I Did, And It Still Worked!

There are many things that I tell new riders to our sport of endurance that you shouldn't do: don't over-condition your horse as they need time to rest between rides; don't feed lots of...

High and Low From Above

Okay, let's do it, let us move higher. At least a few feet above the hoof level:This horse's front left hoof is ahead of the right one. Left hoof is also larger, has a...

High Heels and Sore Toes, Not Just on Girls Night Out

Submitted by Tennesee Mahoney, Team Easyboot 2012 MemberWe all know (directly or indirectly) the often painful results associated with a day or night in high heels.  I remind myself every girls-night-out.  Of course, I...