That Andalusian Can’t Go Barefoot

Trying out Amigo in California. His training was California Charro and Pleasure riding.Has anyone ever told you that your horse has hooves that can’t be barefoot?I was contacted earlier last year to help out...

How do I choose a Trimming Method?

We have had numerous calls at EasyCare from customers who want to take their horse's barefoot and start with natural hoof trimming but now they are faced with the decision of which trimming method?...

Hoof Capsule Distortions, Part 3

During the last two discussions on hoof capsule distortions, we looked at flares and high/low syndromes and clubfeet. Today, we want to examine the medial/lateral balance in more detail.Look at the picture below:Horse AQuestion:...

Transition & Condition for a Healthier Hoof

Why can it sometimes take months for a horse to transition to barefoot? Why is the horse that was “perfectly sound” in shoes tender-footed without them? Why is shoeing so entrenched in our current equine management...

Transition Tuesday: There’s Something Funky Going On

There's something funky going on at Gotta Go Ranch.Redford and Rocky I'm not sure what it is, but all the horses are going through big changes in their feet. Take Redford and Rocky for instance....

Sole Is Important For Your Horses Hooves

I had the opportunity to take photos of different hooves that we will be posting on our blogs. I'm no hoof professional but even to me the difference between both hooves became very clear...

Heel Height: Factors to Consider

I've yet to mentor an aspiring trimmer who didn't wish aloud for a hard and fast, always-and-never guide for trimming. Yep, that sure would make it easier! But we're working with a living

Snow Days!

Keeping consistent with my recently decided goal of staying positive all winter, I have been trying to make something good out of something that we might normally complain about this time of year. We...

More Than Just Hoofcare

Pulling my horse's shoes and learning about natural hoof care was the start of something big for me.I thought that the only change would be that instead of using iron horse shoes I would...

The Gives a Nice Nod to EasyCare Hoof Boots

To Shoe? For many that isn't even a question for consideration. The answer is barefoot and booted! In an article just released on The by Heather Smith Thomas (October 01 2009, Article # 15175), Heather talks...