Do You Boot? P3 (Coffin Bone) Surgery

My 5 year old Arab/QH had to have a section of his P3 removed this summer becasue of an infection. The vet mentioned putting on a hospital plate but the foot looked so sore...

Toxic Yew Plant

ALL members of the Yew plant family are poisonous!They are beautiful but toxic and can deliver death to barefoot horses within minutes. It is the Japanese or English Yew, which is an ornamental...

Liberty Belle, a Story of Second Chances

We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed….This heartfelt story comes from Hoof Care Practitioner Vickey Hollingsworth of...

Navicular: Excepts from an Article by Cheryl Sutor

The most common cause of lameness in horses is found in the navicular area of the horse's hoof.The terms Navicular Disease and Navicular Syndrome are often used to define navicular problems. Navicular problems are...

Springtime and Laminitis Equals Natural Hoof Boot Protection

Maria Siebrand, Hoof Care Practitioner and barefoot advocate, is a promoter of natural horse care and natural trimming methods to effectively help the equine. She says seasonal laminitis cases inevitably rise in early spring....

Hoof Capsule Distortions, Part 4

In the last three posts we examined the different reasons as to why hoof capsules get stressed and distorted. In today's final instalment we conclude with a discussion about the sole and its function....

Low Grade Laminitis: A New Understanding of Hoof Pathology? – By Richard Vialls DEP,...

Introduction I originally got involved in equine feet because of my mare, Esme, who has proved to be an incredible teacher when it comes to hoofcare. I struggled for over 4 years to work out...