Four Years and Counting

Mongols honing their archery skills.The peoples of The Steppes have been riding bare and without hoof protection for thousands of years, we know them from the history books and heard about their amazing horses:...

Fitting Zahara’s Spare Part

Submitted by Stacey Maloney, Team Easyboot 2012 MemberLast summer my Competitive Trail Riding prospect, Zahara, broke my heart when she suffered a pretty bad heel bulb laceration - twice. Instead of spending the summer...

What to Expect From Your Barefoot Trimmer

With the natural hoof care movement growing by leaps and bounds, many horse owners are seeking out barefoot trimmers. But just as in all professions, there are good and bad. Many people latch on...

Small Thing Sells His Soul to the Weather Gods (In Which We Don’t Make...

This horse did well at a tough 100 mile ride despite its rather alarming shoeing.It's possible that Small Thing is in league with the weather gods. Last Saturday we were supposed to be galloping...

Our First Natural Trim in a Year

We had a very interesting weekend. We competed in the Texas Trail Challenge CTR in Whitney, Texas. It has turned out to be a such beautiful spring in Texas, and what a difference from...

F-Balance in Europe

Submitted by Anke Schreiber, Team Easyboot 2012 MemberThe hoof specialist and farrier from Argentina, Daniel Anz, hosted several clinics in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He showed his trimming method called F-Balance to hoof care...

Off The Track Thoroughbreds: All with Beautiful Rehabilitated Feet

Once and for all let's make a concerted effort to debunk a popular myth that thoroughbreds have shelly walls, thin soles, pencil thin frogs and for these reasons they need shoes. "The hell!" I...


Oh my Gosh is that a FARRIER touching your horse?!?!?! Yup, a tall farrier. There are certain words that you just DON'T say around certain groups of people. We don't say "steak" in front of...

Tex and His Easyboots

Renee and Tex with the Easyboot Rx.The first time I heard from Renee was a very desperate telephone call saying that her horse, Tex, had foundered.Since that time, Renee has transitioned Tex to barefoot...

Transition Tuesday’s Back Y’all!!

Ok well it's not exactly Tuesday but it was written on Tuesday so technically I'm not too far off. Kevin Myers began the series, Transition Tuesday, some time ago. Kevin chronicled not only the...