Composite shoes are horseshoes that are made of composite materials such as urethane, making them more flexible and shock absorbing than traditional metal horseshoes. With the growing popularity of composite horseshoes, you may be wondering how composite shoes differ from traditional shoes.

EasyShoes are made from durable urethane that allows the hoof to flex with each footfall. EasyShoes allow the hoof to flex both laterally and vertically as nature intended.

There are many situations where horses need more hoof protection than barefoot alone can provide. Horses with chronic lameness, horses recovering from an injury, or horses with special hoof care needs may be good candidates for composite shoes. Or, maybe your horse’s performance level requires them to have 24/7 hoof protection that a boot alone cannot provide.

Using composite shoes allows the hoof to function as if it were barefoot while enjoying the additional protection and traction of a horseshoe.

More farriers and riders are switching to composite horseshoes because of the hoof health and performance benefits. See why Beth of Beth R Lazja Balanced Hoof Trimming chooses composite shoes for both client horses and her personal barrel horses.

“One of the main benefits of polyurethane shoes is the shock absorption they provide! I’ve observed a longer stride length and general increase in comfort riding with these. I often have to ride on pavement and gravel roads, so I’ve always been concerned about concussion. Also, fly stomping all day in the summer is a leading cause of hoof lameness and soreness in the whole body. I think EasyShoes are the answer to so many problems.”

Beth using the EasyShoe Speed on her barrel horse.

Here at EasyCare, we offer a wide variety of EasyShoes ranging from nail-on to glue-on. From full urethane to metal inserts, we have something that can help every horse’s needs.

If your horse doesn’t require 24/7 hoof protection, we have hoof boots for the barefoot horse, too! If you aren’t sure which product to choose for your horse, give us a call or contact us!


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