What’s in your closet?
Hoof care professional Asa Nuttal of Las Vegas, NV gives us a peek into to hers.
Asa keeps her Easyboot Bares warm and dry during cold weather. Spring is here but nights can still dip to freezing in various parts of the country. Providing your boots with a warm environment makes applying the boot easier than if they they were kept out in the freezing cold.
Looking for more great booting tips? Check out the tips and video in each of the drop down menus under our various hoof boot styles on EasyCare’s extensive website.
Debbie Schwiebert
Vet Dealer & Hoof Care Practitioner Accounts
I manage the hoof care practitioner and veterinarian dealer accounts at EasyCare. An integral part of my job is to stay current in all areas of barefoot hoof care, which enables me to serve this vital group of EasyCare dealers at the next level.